had conference wif mdm kaur today together wif karin and allen... and we realised dat we have lots of structure probs as well as elaboration on e problems... but nvm... we r almost there le!!! b4 dat, we were camping outside our e4 classroom... when a grp of jap students walked past us... and karin and i went gaga over this 14 yr-old boy wif a fila bag... he has rosy cheeks and he's super shuai!!! but not as shuai as wentworth miller la... haha... of cos... so we decided to call him our fila boy... haha...
karin and allen helped me in maths today... hee... so i managed to finish my maths tutorial!!! yeah!!! thanks peeps!!!
now we're like slacking at sde... and we gonna start doing ctw soon!!! and super mugger allen doing maths tutorial 9 liao la... LOL... keep stressing karin and i... haha... anyway 2 more wks to hanabi/kushimbo/anything dat is jap (according to karin... haha)

ya and this "design" was created by karin and allen... they should call themselves AK... apparently e macdonald tissue was torn by them la... maybe some chilli sauce on the tissue paper??? yucks!!! haha...
1 comment:
Beloved sis.. this looked like your size.. =P
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